
Birth time / birth ascendant / war time /birth year/ rectification report

Birth report


Correct and accurate prediction depends on date, time and place of birth? The date and place of birth in most of the cases is correct, but the same could not be said about the time of birth? In olden days there were no quartz watches, in villages, the use of watches was minimal? Secondly, the main concern of the doctors and nurses is for a safe delivery of the child and noting the correct time of birth of the child, we will arrive at your birth time? You only need to give us your day, month and year of birth along with the approximate time of your birth? You could tell us whether you were born in early morning, afternoon, evening, night, midnight etc? Along with these details you need to give us some of your events that happened in your life in the past along with the approximate time/day/month? The past events could be marriage, love affair, education, job, transfer, suspension, accidents, illness or any other specific event of importance you could think of?

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