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Missing Person / Property Report

Gain insights into missing persons using horary astrology and spiritual guidance. The possibilities for their whereabouts may include being alive, deceased, injured, captured, lost in a forest or wilderness, held captive, drugged, mugged, or worse. Cases of abduction, kidnapping, and ransom cannot be overlooked, as some individuals can be unpredictable and may disappear without informing their loved ones. Such behavior might have occurred multiple times in the past.
My spiritual insights possess radar-like clarity, providing valuable clues about their current situation. It is important to note that elderly individuals and children are often the most common cases of those who go missing.
Questions You can ask:
- My children, wife, father, younger brother, elder brother or mother have gone or left home? Will she return?
- Lost money, jewel paper, travel tickets, books? Mobile cycle, scooter, car, etc? Will be returned? When?
- When will the kidnapped person be freed?